Tanatswa Chineka

Tanatswa is a joint doctoral researcher within the ACMS (Migration and Displacement) and University of Essex (Public Health). He has a background in social work and has research interests in child migration, health systems and policy, social security and mental health. His joint PhD examines how access to health care by unaccompanied migrant boys is determined by their experiences of masculinities and exercise of agency, as they move. The study interrogates the intersections between the notions of gender (experience of masculinities/femininity), age (being a minor/teenager), migrant identity (being unaccompanied) and migrant status (being irregular). He is interested in exploring how this intersection simultaneously frames/is framed by child agency, and in turn determines health care access. He is a member of various public health and migration research caucuses including the IMISCOE PhD Academy, GEMMS and CoRE in Migration and Health.
