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Vigneswaran, D., Landau, L. 2011. South African Immigration Control and the Transformation of Sovereign Territoriality in Scarlett Cornellissen, Fantu Cheru and Timothy M. Shaw (eds.) Africa and International Relations in the Twenty-First Century: Still Challenging Theory? Palgrave: New York.
Vigneswaran, D., Sutton, R. 2011. A Kafkaesque State: Deportation and Detention in South Africa. Citizenship Studies 15, 627-642.
Vigneswaran, D., Sutton, R., Wels, H., 2011. Waiting in Liminal Space: Migrants Queuing for Home Affairs in South Africa. Anthropology Southern Africa 34, 30-37.
ACMS. 2010. Population Movements in and to South Africa. Migration Factsheet 1. Johannesburg: ACMS, Wits University.
Amit, R. 2010. Lost in the Vortex: Irregularities in the Detention and Deportation of Non-Nationals in South Africa. CoRMSA and ACMS Report April 2010, Wits: Johannesburg.
Araia, T., Kola, S., Polzer, T. 2010. Migration and Employment in the Construction Industry. Pilot Study July 2010 ACMS, Wits: Johannesburg.
Amit, R. 2010. Protection and Pragmatism Addressing Administrative Failures in South Africa’s Refugee Status Determination Decisions. Report April ACMS, Wits: Johannesburg.
Gindrey, V. 2010. La Migration et la Nouvelle Ville Africaine. Résultats de l’enquête Avril 2010 ACMS, Wits: Johannesburg.
International Organisation for Migration. 2010. Migration and health in SADC A review of the literature. IOM: Johannesburg. (Research by Vearey, J. and Wheeler, B.).
Misago, J.P., Gindrey, V., Duponchel, M., Landau, L., Polzer, T. 2010. Vulnerability, Mobility and Place. Alexandra and Central Johannesburg Pilot Survey October 2010, Wits: Johannesburg.
Misago, J.P, Takabvirwa, K., Kanyane, M., Siziba, G. 2010.Governing Migration and Urbanisation: Developing Approaches to Counter Poverty and Social Fragmentation. Detailed Case Study Report December ACMS, Wits: Johannesburg.
Polzer, T. 2010. ‘Xenophobia’: Violence against Foreign Nationals and other ‘Outsiders’ in Contemporary South Africa. Issue Brief 3. Johannesburg: ACMS, Wits University.
Polzer, T. 2010. Regularising Zimbabwean Migration to South Africa. Issue Brief 1.. ACMS, Johannesburg: ACMS, Wits University.
Richter, M, Delva, W. 2010. “Maybe it will be better once this World Cup has passed”. Research findings regarding the impact of the 2010 Soccer World Cup on Sex Work in South Africa, Wits: Johannesburg.
South African Human Rights Commission. 2010. Report on the SAHRC Investigation into Issues of Rule of Law, Justice and Impunity arising out of the 2008 Public Violence against Non-Nationals. SAHRC: Johannesburg.
Vearey, J., Nunez, L. 2010. Migration and Health in South Africa: A review of the current and recommendations for achieving the World Health Assembly Resolution on the Health of Migrants. Report November ACMS, Wits: Johannesburg.
ACMS. 2009. Towards Tolerance, Law, and Dignity: Addressing Violence against Foreign Nationals in South Africa. Report February, IOM: Johannesburg.
Amit, R. 2009. National survey of the refugee reception and status determination system in South Africa. MRMP Research Report February, Wits, Johannesburg.
Hillier, L. (Ed). 2009. Regional Seminar on Children Who Cross Borders in Southern Africa. ACMS, Wits: Johannesburg.
Jinnah, J., Holaday, R. 2009. Migrant Mobilisation: Structure and Strategies in claiming rights in South Africa and Nairobi. Report December ACMS, Wits: Johannesburg.
Kiwanuka, M., Monson, T. 2009. Zimbabwean migration into Southern Africa: New trends and responses. Report November ACMS, Wits: Johannesburg.
Landau, L., Segatti, A. 2009. Human Development Impacts of Migration: South Africa Case Study. Human Development Research Paper 2009/05, UNDP: Johannesburg.
Landau, L. B. 2009. Migrant Integration: Identity, Citizenship, and Tolerance. In L. Herzer, S. D. Klump, and M. E. Malinkin (Eds.), Transnational Migration to New Regional Centers: Policy Challenges, Practice, and the Migrant Experience. Perspectives: Political Analysis and Commentary from Southern Africa. Washington DC: Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars: 23-30.
Misago, J.P. 2009. Violence, Labour and the Displacement of Zimbabweans in De Doorns, Western Cape. Issue Brief 2. Johannesburg: ACMS, Wits University.
Monson, T., Igglesden, V., Polzer, T. 2009. Humanitarian Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons in South Africa: Lessons Learned Following Attacks on Foreign Nationals in May 2008. Report January ACMS, Wits: Johannesburg.
Palmary, I. 2009. For Better Implementation of Migrant Children’s Rights in South Africa. ACMS, Wits: Johannesburg.
Vigneswaran, D., Hornberger, J. 2009. Beyond ‘Good Cop’ / ‘Bad Cop’: Understanding Informality and Police Corruption in South Africa. October Report ACMS, Wits: Johannesburg.
Vigneswaran, D., Duponchel, M. 2009. One Burden Too Many? A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Immigration Policing in Gauteng. Report December ACMS, Wits: Johannesburg.
Wachira, G.M. 2009. Migrants’ Right to Health in Southern Africa. ACMS, Wits: Johannesburg.
Aurelia Wa Kabwe-Segatti and Loren B. Landau (Eds.). 2008. Migration in Postapartheid South Africa: Challenges and Questions to Policy-Makers. Paris: Agence Française de Développement.
Consortium for Refugees and Migrants in South Africa. 2008. Protecting Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Immigrants in South Africa. Research Report 18 June, CoRMSA: Johannesburg.
Gindrey, V., Landau, L.B. 2008. Poverty Trend Analysis for Gauteng Province 2009-2055. Report compiled for the Gauteng Department of Economic Development.
Greenburg, J., Polzer, T. 2008. Migrant Access to Housing in South African Cities. Migrants Rights Monitoring Project Special Report No. 2, Wits: Johannesburg.
Landau, L. B. 2008. Building and Belonging in African Cities, in Adrian Hadland (Ed.), Violence and Xenophobia in South Africa: Developing Consensus, Moving to Action. Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council: 44-59.
Landau, L. B. 2008. Protection as Capability Expansion, in David Hollenbach (Ed.), Advocating Refugee Rights: Ethics, Advocacy, and Africa. Washington: Georgetown University Press: 103-124.
Landau, L. B. 2008. Violence, Condemnation, and the Meaning of Living in South Africa, in S. Hassim, T. Kupe, and E. Worby (Eds.), Go Home Or Die Here: Violence, Xenophobia, and the Reinvention of Difference in South Africa. Johannesburg: Wits University Press: 105- 118.
Landau, L.B. 2008. Drowning in Numbers, in Robyn Leslie (Ed.), Migration from Zimbabwe: Numbers, Needs, and Policy Options. Johannesburg: Centre for Development and Enterprise: pp. 7-15.
Landau, L.B. 2008. Shaping Urban Futures: Reflections on Human Mobility and Poverty in Africa’s Globalizing Cities, in A. Garland, M. Massoumi and B. A. Ruble (Eds.), Global Urban Poverty: Setting the Agenda. Washington: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the United States Agency for International Development: 11-36.
Landau, L.B. 2008. The Promise of Freedom, Regional Integration, and Refugee Protection, in J. Handmaker, J. Klaaren, and L. de la Hunt (Eds.), Advancing Refugee Protection in South Africa. Oxford: Berghahn Books: 27-46
Landau, L.B., Segatti, A. 2008. Human Development Impacts of Migration: South African Case Study. Report for the United Nations Development Programme.
Landau, L.B. 2008. Protecting Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Immigrants in South Africa. Report for the Consortium of Refugees and Migrants in South Africa.
Landau, L,B. 2008. The Humanitarian Hangover: Displacement, Aid, and Transformation in Western Tanzania. Johannesburg: Wits University Press.
Misago, J. P., Landau, L.B., Monson, T. 2008. Triggers, Territory, and Terror: Explaining the 2008 Xenophobic Violence in South Africa. Report for the International Organisation of Migration (December).
Monson, T. 2008. Immigration, Sovereignty, and Power in South African Cities, in Clunan, A., Trinkunas, H. eds., Ungoverned Spaces? Alternatives to State Authority in an Era of Softened Sovereignty. (In collaboration with Landau, L.B.)
Segatti, A., Landau, L, B. 2008. Immigration, Transit and Urban Transformation A Comparative Study of Post-Apartheid Migration and Urbanisation in Lubumbashi, Maputo and Johannesburg. July Report ACMS, Wits: Johannesburg.
Vigneswaran, D. (Ed). 2008. Barriers to asylum: The Marabastad refugee reception office. MRMP Report August, Wits: Johannesburg.