Changes in ACMS management

Dear colleagues and friends of ACMS,

This serves to inform you that at the end of 2017, Professor Palmary – our current director – will be leaving Wits in order to take up an academic post at the University of Johannesburg. This position will allow Prof Palmary to return to her academic work, after working for six years as director of the Centre. The ACMS has been lucky enough over the years to have long-term directors in Prof Landau and Prof Palmary. Prof Landau has since taken up the South African Research Chair in Mobility and the Politics of Difference based at ACMS and remains in a leadership role.

From the 1st November 2017, Prof Jo Vearey and Dr Jean Pierre Misago have taken on the role of acting directors of ACMS for an interim period. Both Jo and Jean Pierre have been part of the ACMS team since 2007 and have played essential leadership roles over the years, including through coordinating our graduate programme, teaching, and leading research themes.

That ACMS has had two rounds of successful leadership change shows the strength of our administration and intellectual leadership. Whilst it is always sad to say goodbye, this offers new opportunities for ACMS to grow in ever new and exciting directions. We remain committed to honouring all existing commitments, including obligations agreed with Prof Palmary to donors, students and academic partners.  Moving forward, Prof Palmary will remain a close collaborator of the ACMS and we look forward to the new opportunities that this offers.

We look forward to our on-going – and future – collaborations.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch should you have any questions about this transitional period.

