Hilton Johnson is a South African social impact specialist and has over 20 years of international experience in the development, renewable energy and extractives industry sectors in Southern and East Africa, and Latin America. His skills include socio-economic impact analysis particularly related to community resettlement; stakeholder and community engagement; multi-sector partnership design; programme and project management; capacity building, trainer training and content design; monitoring and evaluation. His areas of specialty include human rights and international standards, business process design and change management, managing community and stakeholder relations, resettlement and migration, livelihoods, enterprise development and adult learning. Hilton has a master’s degree in Forced Migration Studies from the University of the Witwatersrand (completed in 2010), a Postgraduate Diploma in Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies and a Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Economics and Information Systems from the University of South Africa. Hi thesis was on The Adoption and Ratification of the African Union’s Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa: An Analysis of the Discourse of States and the International Humanitarian Aid Community.