Workshop Invitation: Getting the Future Write: Early Career Publishing Series

‘the world continues to be divided between those who are heard and those who are not, those who get to print and those limited to reading the ideas of others’[i]

Publishing and academic writing are important facets of any academic career and yet they are rarely part of the curriculum or openly discussed. The aim of this workshop series is to create an interdisciplinary space for junior scholars to (a) build a personal publication strategy and (b) develop a peer support network for academic writing and publishing. The workshop is aimed primarily at humanities and social science scholars on the African continent or of African descent.

Our three-part series will be held on Zoom. Each two-hour workshop will cover a different theme:

October: Developing a publication strategy: how, where and why to write?

November: Publishing articles from your PhD

November: Turning your PhD into a book

Each workshop will feature presentations from early career scholars who have experience of publishing, as well as input from publishers. At the end of each day, participants will have time to develop and discuss their publication strategy as it evolves.

Those interested in participating should fill in this form by 23 October 2020.

[i] Amina Mama, ‘Why We Must Write: Personal Reflections on Linking the Alchemy of Science with the Relevance of Activism’, Agenda 16, no. 46 (2000): 13–20.
