EMMIR Exchange Programme
European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations Exchange Programme

EMMIR is the European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations. It is the first African-European Erasmus Mundus programme in migration studies. EMMIR students experience receive a multidisciplinary education between their 7 partner universities in Germany, Norway, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Sudan, Uganda, and South Africa. EMMIR is run by a Consortium of three African and four European universities (read more about the Consortium here). Partners in the consortium represent multi-disciplinary expertise in migration studies and intersecting fields, such as gender studies, cultural studies, and education and development studies. The EMMIR Consortium consists of ACMS as one of its institutions.

The African Centre for Migration & Society (ACMS) at the University of the Witwatersrand is an independent, interdisciplinary, and internationally engaged Africa-based centre of excellence for research and teaching that shapes global discourse on human mobility, development, and social transformation. The ACMS is one of the continent’s leading institutions for research, teaching, and outreach on migration.

The ACMS offers an Honours, MA and PhD programme that attracts students from within South Africa, the southern African region, and beyond. EMMIR students come to ACMS in the second semester of the academic year and do courses (mainly migration and health), internships, field trips and research.

Visit the EMMIR website and Twitter for more information about the programme.
