This toolkit is derived from a consultative process throughout 2017 facilitated by the African Centre for Migration & Society with support from the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) amongst trade unions, migrant rights organisations, social movements, non-governmental organisations and worker advice offices. This consisted of an involved series of workshops, dissemination of research and an ad hoc committee formed during the final workshop. The overall objective of this process was to better understand labour migration in South Africa and to develop, document and share a resource that can be used for unions and civil society to build a broad-based consultative process that includes and is responsive to the issues facing migrant workers in South Africa. In doing so it will promote decent work and social protection for migrant workers. Although it is primarily targeted to the hospitality sector, which was a selected case study for this process, it can be widely adapted to other sectors and countries.
The purpose of this toolkit is to equip union organisers in South Africa with legislative and policy knowledge, and practical skills for organising migrant workers in the hospitality sector. Furthermore, the toolkit is a guide for trade union organisers, social movements, migrant rights organisations, NGOs and worker advice offices to include migrant workers to access fair labour practices. In addition, it outlines the rights of migrant workers in South Africa including legal remedies which are guided by international, regional and national labour laws.
This toolkit is aimed at civil society including trade union organisers, migrant rights organisations and worker advice offices, in their recruitment strategies of migrant workers.
It should be read alongside an issue brief on the hospitality sector, which is published as a supplement and is available here. Download the toolkit here.