Aurelia Segatti

Aurelia Segatti is a Research Associate at the African Centre for Migration & Society, Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg). She holds a PhD in Political Science and an MA in African Studies majoring (political science) from the Centre of African Studies (CEAN – Bordeaux) and is a former student of Science Po Bordeaux and ENS Cachan. Her PhD thesis was devoted to the transformation of South African immigration policy in the post-apartheid period.

Her research interests are public policy, immigration policy analysis, regional policy coherence and local migration dynamics. Research Director of the French Institute in South Africa between 2004 and 2008, she was then appointed Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Research for Development from 2008 to 2010 on a joint research programme looking at the governance of mobility in selected African cities based at the University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa). She currently coordinates several international research programmes (ANR XenAfPol; ANR MItrans; Migrating for Work Research Consortium, teaches and supervises at MA and PhD level.

She has co-edited several books (with Loren B. Landau, Contemporary Migration to South Africa, World Bank; with Jocelyne Streiff-Fénart, The Challenge of the Threshold, Lexington), published in: Review of African Political Economy, Politique Africaine, Public Administration and Development, Cahiers d’Etudes Africaines, Lusotopie, and is a reviewer for the following journals: Africa Today; African Studies; African Diaspora. Journal of Transnational Africa in a Global World; Critique Internationale; Ethnic and Racial Studies; Journal for Contemporary History; Journal of Modern African Studies; Spatial Justice Review; Foresight Global Environmental Migration Project (UK Government); Regions & Cohesion. She is currently working at the Public Affairs Research Institute.

Areas of supervision:  migration policy development; labour migration; xenophobic mobilisations; economic indigenisation & xenophobia.
