Performance Ndlovu holds a social science honours degree in political science and international relations. Prior to enrolling for the 2017 academic year, she has been working in the NGO sector, involved in managing organisational operations i.e. sourcing and funding child burn survivors from all over Africa for the much-needed reconstructive surgery, rehabilitation and integration into society. Also engaged in squatter camp projects prone to fire calamities providing disaster relief management to the locals and a fair number of migrants in those communities. She has worked closely with non-profits, home affairs and health departments. Her love for travel, constantly travelling between South Africa and Zimbabwe as well as between South Africa and the United Kingdom stirred her interest in migrants engagements from a global perspective. She is hopeful to be a leader and part of a cohort trained to understand and give in-depth conceptualization of migration not mere political expediency. She Identifies herself as a global citizen. She has particular interests in migrants integration, the role of immigration services and international security. She also has a passion for exploring the interdisciplinary approaches to solve the migration trends challenges.