Learnmore Mvundura

Learnmore is a holder of Bachelor of Science Honours Degree with the University of Zimbabwe (2011). He also holds a Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree in Migration and Displacement with the University of the Witwaterstrand, Johannesburg (2017), and is currently undertaking Masters by Research in Migration and Displacement at the same institution. Learnmore has a broad interest in Migration and Health, particularly policy issues. His Honours research zeroed in on an analysis and commentary of the South Africa’s NSP (2012-2016) paying particular attention to how migration and mobility, both within and beyond national borders, is considered in that policy document. His MA research draws on the policy analysis theory in which the concepts of Street level bureaucracy (Lipsky, 1980) are harnessed to interpret barriers in the implementation of policies and directives that guarantee migrant’s access to health-care.
