Kabiri Bule

Dr. Kabiri Bule is a scholar in the field of migration and displacement studies, with an educational background that includes both a master’s degree and a Ph.D. from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. Her research occupies a critical niche at the intersection of urban and migration studies, focusing on the profound impact of migration and human mobility on urban politics within African cities. Dr. Bule’s work is dedicated to exploring how these dynamics influence notions of belonging, cultural diversity, and mobility aspirations, particularly within African urban neighbourhoods that are in a state of constant flux.

Employing a rigorous quantitative approach, Dr. Bule is at the cutting edge of her field, incorporating innovative technologies and methodologies to investigate emerging migration trends across the continent. Her scholarly contributions provide a comprehensive understanding of the complexities surrounding migration and its effects on urban landscapes, offering valuable insights for both academic circles and policy formulation.

Dr. Bule’s research not only advances academic knowledge in migration and urban studies but also serves as a vital resource for policymakers and urban planners seeking to navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by human mobility in African cities.

Tel: +27(0) 11 717 4033
