Production and Livelihoods
Migrating for work remains the most common form of international mobility in the world. Although Southern Africa has had a long history of formal labour migration regimes, contemporary forms of movement are diverse, and complex. This research theme focuses on the policies, and practices of labour migration, and the work and livelihoods of migrants in South Africa. Using mixed methods researchers aim to understand the position of migrants in the labour market, the responses of government and trade unions to labour migration, and the everyday experiences and outcomes of migrants as they carve a living in South Africa towns, townships and cities.
Projects under this theme include Miworc – a partnership between ACMS and a range of academic (GovINN, University of Pretoria; United Nations University – Centre for Comparative Regional Integration Studies; UNESCO Chair on Free Movement; Migrating Out of Poverty Research Programme Consortium, University of Sussex), government (Department of Labour; South African Local Government Association; Statistics South Africa), and international (ILO; International Organization for Migration (IOM)) partners. This research consortium worked to ensure that existing statistical data is explored and improved, and accurate empirical evidence produced, in order to improve policy-making in South Africa and the region with the view to South African governmental decisions being able to make a strong impact on the reality of millions of South African and foreign workers.